About the book:

Voices from the Grassroots is a collection of stories and reflections that captures the pulse of the commonest people, whose diverse contexts, aspirations and struggles make up the social landscape of the Indian subcontinent. The book takes the reader through myriad real-life experiences of the author and portraits of people in the pursuit of identifying hidden voices – of hope, compassion, wisdom, frustration, of coping with adversity and desire for change; voices that the reader would resonate with, and yet acknowledge that they are often lost and unheeded.

How young Appiraja’s meal puts our education system in perspective, how Kempaiah’s wisdom lets us find meaning in an otherwise luckless venture or how Madi’s cries tug at our heart and show how much there is to do; there are anecdotes that everybody committed to the cause of inclusive development and citizenship will connect to. The book ultimately leaves the readers with humility to listen to ‘voices’ of the people and perhaps find their own too.